Recent Pick Ups

Just when I thought all was lost and the prospect of toy hunting was becoming  more daunting than the actual hunt , this happened! I'll be looking at both figures more closely in the next couple of days. Also, stay tuned for my Marvel Legends Retro fig opening post😉


  1. That's the same Predator figure that I got a couple of months ago, I never did see the other two on the shelves. It's funny too, I went to Walmart this morning and it looked like they had just put out a bunch of the Classified figures. I haven't bought a modern Joe in probably close to 20 years, and yet, I couldn't walk away without grabbing the only Cobra Commander that was out -- it just looked so damn cool!

    1. Good call on the C.C. figure. For a minute Lanard Predator figures were just as hard to find as Classified Joe's were. Glad I was able to finally find one!

  2. That Predator looks awesome. Is it from Lanard? I think they got the Alien/Predator license for Walmart.

  3. He's great Jigs! Yeah, Lanard's been kicking some serious butt with their latest Alien and Predator lines. I've been playing with my figure for a few minutes now and already love it.


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