There's a Sale at Penney's!

I'll never forget the great purge of G.I. Joe ROC movie merchandise!They were literally passing these boxes out at the door ,where there were tons more stacked on top of each other just waiting to not be purchased.I say that because I'm pretty sure kids weren't interested  In these at the time.Only slow footed adult toy collectors knew what these toys were all about and the value that came with them.I picked up both of these at 5 bucks a piece!Not too shabby considering both came with an action figure pilot.These two sit at the bottom of my shelving unit collecting dust with the only other two vehicles I own.They're still pretty damn neat and every now and again I'll pick up the Hydra and fly It around my room while making swooshing sounds.I still love my Gunship,too,!

Can you spot Timber?

Check out these other awesome sale stories...
Toy Box author remembers a friend named Penny!

Bro Midnight gets lost In space!

Alexis packs big punch with little dinos!


  1. It's pretty neat,Bro.The escape pod is especially fun to play with.

  2. Wow that Hydra is so cool!
    This is why I wish SF had a TRU, Target etc back then lol

    1. SF doesn't have a TRU? That's crazy!

    2. They did, but then it closed (over a decade ago now I believe) heck Target just opened there about a year b4 I left 3 years ago.

  3. Replies
    1. Yup,5 bucks.Hard to find those kinds of deals anymore.

  4. Crimson Hydra is neat. Is it a re-release? Wonder if it ever came in black?

    1. It did Jigsaw.For the Valor Vs. Venom line I believe. And It was made for the good guys.

  5. you gotta love Hasbro clearance- particularly when they overestimated demand

    1. Boy did they ever overestimate.There were tons more vehicles ,too,like the giant black cobra jet ,Viper was It?Well that was like 12 bucks!

  6. wait- has no one said ...
    "Now I know I can get these on clearance if I wait...and knowing is half the battle!"?

  7. I say It all -the- time.Sometimes In my sleep.

  8. Theres a sale at Pennys....that is a line from the movie Airplane! right?


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