
Toploader Therapy

I don't buy boxes of cards like I used to. Not the premium stuff, anyways. But every once and a while I'll pick up a box of "Junk wax" to pass the time. It's an affordable and effective way to scratch that nostalgic itch. Ripping packs, filtering out commons while placing favorite cards in penny sleeves and toploaders never gets old for me. It's also quite therapeutic. 

Ain't No Party Like A Darth Vader Party

No, it's not Darth Vader's birthday. This isn't a Star Wars anniversary post. It's not even a special occasion. This is  just me coming to the realization that I have a thing for Darth Vader. Darth Vader action figures, that is. Everytime I see one in the wild I'm compelled to insert said figure into my shopping cart. Because of this, I now have a small collection of Darth Vader figures. 

Marvel Legends Dormammu

I don't know much about Dormammu. I've seen him in a couple of video games and on certain cartoon episodes but never came across any comic books that featured the ruler of the "Dark Dimension". I love the way he looks tho! He's got that Jack Kirby-esque vintage villain color scheme and overall look! As far as Marvel Legends goes, I'm currently picking off B- list villains to fill out my " bad-guys" roster and Dormammu ( I love saying Dormammu) will fit in nicely!  Dormammu

Close Ecounters of the Nerd Kind

Back in my drinking days, HEAVY drinking days, I frequented local bars and played lots of darts. A buddy of mine used to always say " Nice weathering!" which, according to him, meant that I was doing a good job of going after all of the targets and not wasting time on one specific. It occurred to me that that's kind of how I've been collecting. Mixing it up while not fixating on one collectible or another. Action figures are still high priority  but thanks to Matt from ToyBox I've also been exploring the world of comics alot more lately. Other days I'm online looking for cool singles to pad my sportscard collection. What can I say,  It's the price I pay for being a member of the nerdy kind 🤓 Here's a look at a few of my recent additions!  I love Dormammu's design! He gives off strong Jack Kirby vibes!  Thanks to ToyBox for sending me these two issues of the incredible Hulk!  Red Circle comics/Archie comics  are

I Collect Cards, Too!

For those of you who didn't know, I am also a big sportscard collector. In fact, I have a sportscard blog that has been collecting dust on the interwebs, longing for some new cardboard content. It's not that I've stopped collecting. I just don't do it as often. These days I'm buying singles on ebay, staying away from the expensive and expansive selection of packs that clutter the card aisles at my local Target. And forget about buying cards at Walmart. Everything is locked up behind glass cases and the key- holding employee is always nowhere to be found. I'm not sure how they stay in business. Anyways, here are some of the singles I've picked up over the past couple of months.  I'm not even a hockey fan but how do you consider yourself a sportscard collector and not have at least one card of " The Great One" . Ten straight seasons with 1,000 plus receiving yards! Not too shabby. 

Marvel Legends - Gray Hulk

I am far from a completist when it comes to collecting. I don't feel the need to have every figure from any one  particular line. Instead, I gravitate towards certain versions of characters that I like the look of, grew up with or that have made some kind of a childhood impression on me. This version of the Hulk did just that back in '88 in issue #344  of McFarlanes "The Incredible Hulk". I'm too lazy to go into specifics about it now but if you get the chance, give it a read. 

Luke Skywalker/ Storm Trooper - Star Wars (Epic Heroes)

Here's a closer look at my recent Pick ups out of the packaging. I like head sculpt on the Skywalker figure. It's clean and the overall figure is solid. The Storm Trooper is pretty great, too. The one thing I'm noticing are the holes on the arms of the Storm Trooper.  Darth Vader has them as well. I'm wondering if they'll be releasing a weapons pack or a deluxe figure set with additional accessories that plug into the arms. It's a possibility.  Either way, the holes don't bug me much. The last Pic is for comparison. Pictured with the Epic Heroes figures are vintage  Kenner Lando and Leia.