
Showing posts from October 4, 2020

Action Figure Of The Day

Drawing inspiration from Alexis on Alexis' Treasures (Collectors Universe) and her Battlestar Galactica post, today we take a look at Hammerhead. Some of my first pop culture memories include Michael Jackson videos, E.T. and of course, Star Wars! I wasn't lucky enough to own a Hammerhead figure back then but I remember my older cousin having one. If I ever do a top ten vintage figure head sculpts post, Hammerhead will most definitely be at the top of that list 🔨 🔨 🔨

Action Figure Of The Day

Bring on the monsters! I was never a big Thunder cats fan as a kid. I liked the show, although something about it always seemed dated to me, but the figures never appealed to me. They were big, kinda clunky and had limited articulation. It's nice, however, to have a couple on display as they were a huge part of that 80s era where cartoons and action figures thrived. Plus, who better to feature in a monsters themed toy blog post than old Slithe!