Action Figure Of The Day

Bring on the monsters! I was never a big Thunder cats fan as a kid. I liked the show, although something about it always seemed dated to me, but the figures never appealed to me. They were big, kinda clunky and had limited articulation. It's nice, however, to have a couple on display as they were a huge part of that 80s era where cartoons and action figures thrived. Plus, who better to feature in a monsters themed toy blog post than old Slithe! 


  1. Loved the show & loved the toys! One year for Halloween my Mom made me a homemade Lion-O costume, but I refused to wear it because it showed way too much leg! Pretty sure I just ended up wearing my Ghostbusters costume again. It's still better than the year she made me an Oreo Cookie!!

  2. 😂At least you didn't have to go as a ghost, white sheet with two holes for eyes😂

  3. Thunder-Thunder-Thundercats! ohhh!

    always good to get you pumped! and that music, did it had the best use of music? best samples? I think so yeah.

    Of the bad guys, I think the reptilian guy was the best, always cunning and planning and never fully trusting Mumm-rah and I love the way he talks!. I wish american style animation returned, I liked it a lot. it was more realistic than anime style although anime might had the edge in plots and character development and stuff, but I appreciate it for that. One of the best intros!

    I too was a big fan of the cartoon, even started watching it with my daughter again recently in order and it surprisingly holds out, but the toys...I didn't find them really interesting as you say, weird scale and proportions plus limited articulations. I did have the prerequisite Lion-O and also Panthro I think but that was it.

  4. I just saw this guy on the Super7 website...

    I actually think your vintage figure looks cooler.

    1. Those remakes were pretty cool but nothing will ever compare to the stinky scent of 30 year old vintage plastic 😅

  5. I really liked the visuals of Thundercats but the show itself I only half cared for. Still fun seeing their figures. Good post.

    1. Thanks BD! I think I would have tuned in to show more had I been more interested in the figures but such was not the case.


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