Comic Rack Reboot

Ever since my curbside comic rack find ,I've found myself looking more and more into comic book collecting.It's a facet of the hobby I've shied away from because of the increase In price of a single book.Now that I have this comic rack ,I've found myself looking for that quick comic book fix In those discount multi-packs of vintage ,out of print,books.These ,however,have yet to relinquish anything  I had as a kid.It's not even hit or miss.In fact,up to this point It's been strictly misses.In an effort to rectify the problem,I've decided to just go after titles I had growing up.The comics that really meant something to me.I mean,quality over quantity right?I'd rather recoup  one title I owned as a kid as opposed to acquiring 20 comics that I probably wouldn't have batted an eye at as a kid or even now as an adult. Every time I get these new collecting urges I like to do a little preparation.You know , small things to amp me  up about a new endeavor.Like I said,nothing big.I printed out this copy of a sign prominently displayed over most department store comic book racks and rigged up a clamp,already on the rack, to display It In a hard plastic binder protector case.

It's printed on  thick stock ,standard sized paper. 

And this Is the finished product!

As you can see,I've removed all of the comics I had displayed on It before.This will now be filled with titles I had as a kid.Stay tuned!  


  1. Looks good... in fact it looks really good! Comic book collecting is kind of crazy right now, there seems to be a lot of speculating going on, and practically every other book has been turned into a "key issue", all in the hopes that some of this stuff might help people retire early... it's like the 90's all over again. I always call myself a comic book reader, since that's what I buy them for, besides, I already "collect" enough stuff as is, I don't really need anything else to actively pursue, but finding things to read is a completely different matter :)

    1. Thanks Jon.For me its all about that nostalgic connection.Being able to re read something i read as a kid will be quite the experiment.Im wondering If Ill catch things now that I overlooked as a kid.And the ads!

  2. Love the sign. Can't wait to see which comics make the rack.

    1. Thanks Fuji!I should have a post up tomorrow 😉


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