DC Infinite Heroes - Little Teenie Tiny Greenie Lantern

                                          I knew going Into it that DC Infinite Heroes were small figures,but man,this is one tiny Green Lantern.Scale aside ,he's a decent looking figure.Nothing really inspiring about It other than the iconic green and black costume. No lantern ,either.Once again I have embarked on a new,snails paced  hunt for Infinite Heroes figures.

You can see here that Superman towers over GL.

It still works when kept within the confines of  the particular line.But don't think about crossing toy  universes with these guys. 

See what I mean?Spidey,one of the smaller figures In the MU line still stands taller than Green Lantern.

                                           This pic makes Thor look like a Legends figure .

I still love the graspable sculpt of the DC Infinite Heroes figures but they pail In comparison when placed next to anything Marvel Universe.I guess this was DC's way of differentiating themselves from Marvel.Who knows. Like I've said before ,I'll be going after certain characters from this line.Cherry picking and  waiting for the more expensive figures drop In price. I love the Flash figure In this line but can't justify paying anything over 12 bucks for It.And the deliberately slow search Is on!


  1. man that really is a tiny green lantern!

    1. It's almost like a McDonalds premium figure.Not even.It's more like A McDowells premium figure.Without the Soul Glo!

  2. I got three of them. Power Girl, an alien of some sort, and Batman.

    1. They're pretty cool for what they are ,Matt.At least they scale decent with one another.Something about DC.They're always so unconventional whether It's cartoon art,action figures...Always trying to be different.


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