DC McFarlane Superpowers - Superman

I'm really impressed with McFarlanes relentless push into the action figure foray. His name has definitely become more prevalent in mainstream toy aisles. I've done a good job of resisting most of it, as hard as that's been. DC Superpowers, tho 🧐 This line just keeps growing. I had a few but ultimately sent them to Brother Midnight, with no intentions of recollecting anything else from the line. That is, until this Superman figure released. 


  1. Ugh! Don't want to get into this line either, but they look so great.

  2. These new waves are on point. I also like the fact that McFarlane remedied the hole in the cape issue. I hope he releases a vac metal Brainiac.

  3. What a great looking figure! I don't have the space to store them... or the energy to track them down... but if I did... I could see myself collecting figures from this line. I love how they look carded.

  4. It's a great product. Awesome card art, action figure quality and variety at a 10 dollar price point. Can't beat it, man!

  5. I got into the line. :-) They are so fun. Inexpensive. Great reuse of sculpts.


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