Holiday Rush!

October flew by and disappeared faster than a UAP, for me anyway. Now it's time to strap in and brace for impact as the elections, football and the holiday rush is upon us! Things are sure to get interesting. Me? I'm just gonna take it all in and roll with it. I'm big on the holidays as well as football around this time of year. Politics, not so much. The Bills are playing well, ringing in the month of November with a late game win against the Dolphins. Elections will be over soon, giving way to Thanksgiving which should  give us all temporary respite from all of the madness as well as some time off to take pictures of cool action figures! As far as 2 Minute Toy Break goes, Stay tuned for upcoming holiday themed posts and future toy ramblings! 


  1. The holiday rush signifies a week long break during Thanksgiving... and two weeks off for Christmas. I love this time of year!

  2. Seems like every year just rushes by for me now. It's not fun.

    1. It's hard to slow down and enjoy every holiday when it's fall, and you're already seeing Valentine's decorations. Consumerism is all about shoveling the next thing your way to keep you spending money, versus enjoying the moment of where you are.

  3. Busy time of the year. Fun but so busy.


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