Marvel Minimates- Wolverine/Brood

Wolverine was a must have for me in this extensive line of Marvel Minimates figures. While I'm not that excited about the Brood figure, I still like it and remember reading the story arc back in the day. 


  1. Not familiar with Brood... but loved the 90's X-Men cartoons... and Wolverine was a big part of that. Very cool Minimate.

  2. Thanks, Fuji. He's always top 5 as far as favorite Marvel characters go. Top 3 really.

  3. The Brood arc from the 80s was one of my favorites. X-Men plus Aliens. It's when I started collecting. Issue 163. Still remember my first X-Men comic.

  4. The Brood were a pretty worthy and brutal opponent's of the X- Men.


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