
My daughter made this amazing diorama as a project in her art class. Apparently her art teacher is also into nerdy stuff, including foam board dioramas for action figures! This blows my past attempts completely out of the water, lol. Props and many thanks to my kid for hooking me up with this awesome X Mas present! 


  1. Looks like a playset for The Punisher.

  2. That's who I wanted for the shots but he is currently in a bin along with other stashed figures I have yet to put on display.

  3. Wow. Awesome diorama! Even more awesome that it was a handmade gift from your daughter.

  4. Nice! I've made a couple dios- want to make a Dojo at some point in the future

  5. A dojo would be cool especially with so many martial arts themed figures coming out.


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