He-Man Power Attack - Ram Ma'am

I'd like to take this time to thank Mattel for putting out not only great Netflix content, but also great action figures to go along with. Ok, these figures aren't great like "GiJoe Pursuit of Cobra" or " Marvel Legends". They aren't super articulated and don't even look like the source material we grew up with. The  thing that makes MOTU Power Attack figures great is that they aren't anything like the aforementioned but still manage to be cool! It's a package deal for me. I reluctantly watched the first few episodes of the Netflix series after coming away mildly disappointed from Kevin Smith's version. Right from the start , the intro theme, brightly colored scenes and video game like battle animations grabbed my attention and I've been hooked since. My favorite character, and coincidentally favorite figure from the line so far, is Ram - Mam! 


  1. Krass is my favorite, too. It feels like they took some of the personality traits of classic Teela and mixed them with Ram Man, but she's unique enough to feel fresh. I'd love to get a Krass figure at some point, too.

  2. I would have never thought, going into it, that she'd be my favorite character. She's pretty dang hilarious!


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