DC McFarlane Batman (Three Jokers)

 $ 19.99 isn't bad at all for these McFarlane DC figures. This is the first in my collection but something tells me  It won't be the last . The sculpt, paint and range of motion on this figure is incredible. The foot articulation at the toes helps immensely when posing and keeps things balanced. Just a great figure overall. I highly  recommend!
DC McFarlane figures are big! They blend in nicely with Masterverse figures but not so much with Legends or Classified. I was kind of bummed about that. 


  1. I really like the face sculpt.

    1. The pics don't do it enough justice, Fuji. It looks nicer in hand. There's some really cool shading going on around the jawline. Pretty cool stuff.

  2. fantastic figure. I wonder how it would look with a cloth cape?

  3. Thanks, Kanov. A cloth cape would have been awesome!


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