The Savage Dragon

These just came in yesterday. I've been wanting to get into the Savage Dragon universe for a while now so I'm glad I'll finally be able to. These are issues 1-3 and we're released in 1992. 


  1. I really tried to like the character back when he was new, but just couldn't ever get into him, or his world. Hopefully you'll have better luck with that :)

    1. The read wasn't incredible but every page offered a nice amount of action. I also like how a new villain made an appearance in every issue.

    2. Eric Larson was definitely looking to build a world, and I dug that aspect.

  2. Ah, back in the prime of Image Comics, where it was all about the artist, and not the content. If you really want to dig into Savage Dragon, check out 1982's Graphic Fantasy number one for his first appearance (as just Dragon), and 1986's Megaton number 3 for his first appearance as Savage Dragon.

  3. I enjoyed these early Savage Dragon books, but my faves have to be his crossovers with the TMNT in the ongoing series issue #2 & #22!

  4. Was there a cartoon of this character? it seems familiar but I'm not that into comics. I remember seeing him dressed as police officer and having a girlfriend or something.

  5. Yes and it's available to stream for free.


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