Whoa! Lanard Predator Is Pretty Sick!

I've always given Lanard props for their quality, low priced action figure lines. I've even gone as far as sending them an email to compliment them. But damn, they really raised the bar with this Predator figure! Let's start off with the high quality packaging. Bright, vivid images throughout coupled with a short bio on the back all on  durable cardboard packaging. That cartoon esq drawing on the front makes me want a Predator animated series now!

I like when action figure lines include background dios. They could have left it a bland, solid color but instead opted to add some cool jungle images and a target over an infrared backdrop.

In hand Berserker Predator is solid! I honestly didn't expect it to be. Hell, my old Neca Predator figure, while nicer looking, was wobbly as all hell. Even some GI Joe Classified figures suffer from loose ab joints. This figure's joints are tight with responsive ab crunch, wrist and rocker ankle joints. The head sculpt is also on a ball joint so you get some up and down as well as side to side movement. Very impressive for a $10 figure.
On the back of the box it shows all three weapons but each Predator has their own specific accessory. The blaster this one comes with is interchangeable with the one he comes equipped with inside the packaging. Alot of people had a hard time figuring that out early on. But yeah, the smaller blaster can be removed and exchanged for the larger, silver blaster. 

Scale wise, Lanard's Berserker Predator fits in nicely with your Classified and Legends universe.

I haven't even gotten around to opening my Snake Eyes yet because I'm having so much fun with this Predator figure. Hats off to Lanard, man! And if you happen to come across these in the wild, do yourselves a favor and pick at least one of them up. You won't be sorry. 


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