I've Been Toy Boxed!

I've been Toy Boxed! It's hard to wrap my head around the levels of generosity put on display by fellow bloggers  GI Jigsaw and Matt from Toy Box. Last week I received a package from GI Jigsaw with Classified Flint and Lady Jaye figures! Yesterday I received a package from Toy Box with this in it.....

I was completely and utterly blown away! Not just by the contents but moreso by the random acts of kindness from bloggers like Jigsaw and Matt. These figures are tremendously difficult to find in the wild and, most of the time, too expensive or limited to purchase online. Many, many  thanks 🙏 


  1. They like you, they really like you! :)

  2. Very cool dudes! Super appreciative of everything they've done to help me out with these Classified figures!

  3. Can't wait to see Cobra Commander set up next to your other GI Joe figures.

  4. It's been a crazy year. One thing that has kept me sane is this hobby and sharing it with you all. Honestly, would rather send stuff to fellow collectors and friends than go through the hassles of Ebay.

  5. Yeah, it's been and from the looks of things could continue to be a hectic next couple of months. What I love the most this toy blog is how it allows me to escape, if only for a minute or two, the insanity. I love the fact that we are all adults here but when we come together on these sites it's strictly toy talk. No politics, news, etc. BTW- I've got your box packed up and ready to go. Should go out sometime this week👍


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