G.I. Joe The Rise Of Cobra

I never expected the first live action G.I. Joe film to be a masterpiece. I don't think any of us did. Heck, I didn't even expect it to be good. Turns out the movie fell somewhere between bad and good for me. GI Joe The Rise of Cobra just....exists. That's not necessarily a bad thing. The movie spawned a nice assortment of action figures and a video game. It was also cool to see Joe coloring books, comics and cake toppers up and down department store toy aisles. Was it short lived? Yes. Did G.I. Joe become mainstream popular again? No. But It was a nice little ride, while it lasted. 


  1. I saw the film in theaters with zero expectations. I was pleasantly surprised to walk away having enjoyed the film quite a bit.

  2. I'm not big on theaters so I waited for it to get to on-demand. At least I think it was on-demand. Is that even a thing anymore? Heavy-Duty's " YO JOE" scream towards the end of the movie was the nail in the coffin for me. I liked the Snake Eyes, Scarlett and Storm Shadow sequences. The vipers were pretty cool, too. The rest was just meh.

  3. Watched both about six months ago for the first time in almost a decade. Not great, but not that bad. My favorite character was the Baroness and she was never a favorite of mine in general.

    1. I liked who they chose to play her. She did a great job. The side story with her and Duke was kind of corny, though.

  4. I don't think I ever saw the movie... but I did see a preview for a Snake Eyes Origins movie today. I have no plans of seeing it in the theater, but will watch it as soon as it's online.

    1. I have zero interest in that movie. See Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow with no costumes or masks on...Meh...pass.

  5. That first teaser trailer was insane. The longer one threw me off a bit. Not sure how it will play out but again, I go into these movies with low expectations to begin with. I am, however, excited about the action figures. It'll be nice to see Snake Eyes merchandise on store shelves as well.

  6. The first one was ok. Hoping the Snake Eyes movie will help revive the franchise though I'm not a big GI Joe enthusiast. But I do want to see it succeed. Some good looking action figures.

  7. I hope so, too. I just hope they do right by Snake Eyes. He's arguably the most popular character in the franchise.


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