Happy Memorial Day

Alot of people are at odds about Memorial Day.  Some say we shouldn't celebrate war. Others say different. I, personally, can't stand holidays. Christmas I like but only because I get to see the kids enjoying themselves and all of the great Christmas themed movies from back in the day. For the most part I see holidays as cliche moments that allow people to break the monotony of work to gather and spew small talk. Although, celebrating something every year on the same date also seems pretty monotonous to me. I'd rather stay home and watch T.V. But that's not to say that I don't respect the Americans who signed up to take on the task of  defending our country. Ultimately, putting their lives on the line in the process. Shout out to GiJigsaw  whom I know served from reading many of his military themed posts. Again, I don't celebrate war. I celebrate the brave participants. So ,thank you!


  1. I celebrate beer and bbq. BRING ON MEMORIAL DAY!!!

  2. You, my friend, are a wild one 🤣 Happy Memorial Day , bro 👍

  3. I've never looked at Memorial Day (or Veteran's Day) as a day of celebrating war... but I guess it has to do with perspective. Anyways... I hope you enjoyed a safe holiday weekend.

    1. Definitely, Fuji. If you consider a good morning workout topped off with a couple of hours worth of yardwork fun, then yes, I had a blast 😂

  4. Thanks Big Tone. Saw this on Facebook yesterday and liked it.

    They would want you to barbecue.
    They would want you to go to the lake.
    They would want you to go to the beach.
    They would want you to pop your feet up open a cold one and watch your kids play.
    They would want you to rock out to some live music.
    They would want you to camp.
    They would want you to watch a parade.
    They would want you to have a picnic in the park.
    They would want you to go on a bike ride.
    They would want you to go fishing.
    They would want you to laugh.
    They would want you to sing.
    They would want you to be with friends.
    They would want you to bake a pie.
    They would want you to be with family.
    They would want you to fly our flag. They would want you to be free.
    I want you to understand the cost.... and never forget it.

    “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men and women that died. Rather we should thank God such Men lived.”
    -George S. Patton


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