I Really Need A Rick Grimes Figure Now😅

The more I look at this shelf, the more I realize I need a Rick Grimes and Daryl figure to add to it! Anybody have any suggestions? I'm not even sure If they have any that would fit the scale. 


  1. Daryl would definitely be cool. How about Deathstroke? When I watch Arrow... he was pretty badass.

  2. I'd like to add characters from other universes versus just comic books and cartoons. Although, I've always liked Deathstroke. It could happen. Deathlok is also a possibility.

  3. The McFarlane figures were 5 inch scale. They were really nice but obviously stuck between 4 inch and 6 inch. It could work. I have some extras if you want any.

    1. Oops - on my work email. This is GI Jigsaw by the way.

  4. That would be awesome ,Jigs! I could definitely use the figures.

    1. Let me see what I can dig up and shoot me your address to GIJigsaw@gmail.com. Cheers!

    2. Wow! Thank you so much ,man 🙏


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