Gift From GIjigsaw! Happy Halloween!

When I mentioned in an earlier post that I really needed a Rick Grimes figure, I didn't think one would end up on my doorstep a few days later💀 Not only did GIjigsaw send me an incredible Rick Grimes figure but he also threw in GI Joe Classied Arctic Mission Storm Shadow!!!WHAT!?!? Thank you so much Jigs👍 It's acts of kindness like this that keep this small toy blogging community intact and on the positive path. Both will be on my shelf of badass! Again, I can't thank you enough 🙏


  1. My pleasure. Especially during this crazy year, the camaraderie of my fellow toy collectors has kept me sane.

  2. Thanks, man! It really helps bring up the morale.

  3. Very cool to see care packages don't just stop on the card blogs. Love me some Storm Shadow... but isn't his all-white outfit perfect for the snow? He sure is wearing a lot of black if he's trying to blend in with the polar bears.

  4. Great point, Fuji. The black might come on handy at night. Day time? Not so much ❄️

  5. I'm not a Walking Dead fan, but I can certainly appreciate a good RAK, especially knowing too how much it can cost to send things like this these days.

  6. Totally agree 💯%. As far as TWD, I got hooked on the series again and now I think I'm hooked on the figures. I'm very impressed with Grimes.

  7. Wow that is so cool of GI. Happy Halloween.

  8. Thanks Alexis. It really is.Happy Halloween.

  9. Nice- that Arctic Mission Storm Shadow is cool!

  10. The amount of detail in these Classified figures is insane! They're like upscaled Pursuit of Cobra figures.

  11. what a nice gesture! and the figures are very good too. Now you gotta do a classic showdown of Snake Eyes vs SS!

  12. Definitely, Kanov. I'm gonna have to put something together soon.


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