Action Figure Of The Day

Continuing on with the monster theme, give it up for Toxy! Please excuse the wierd positioning of my E.T. fingers and focus on the greatness of this action figure 🔥 I got this as a gift a long way back from one of my favorite bloggers, John Gaither, complete and in great condition. Thanks again,buddy!  


  1. Not familiar with this character, but it's a cool looking figure. What's that white ball on his neck/chest?

    1. That would be his trusty sidekick, Blobby. It's removable and glows in the dark!

  2. I got this figure on clearance at Toys 'R' Us way back when. I had no idea who he was, but his look really appealed to me at the time.

    1. This line had cool, bright cardbacks, too. It was an overall great product.

  3. Cool - is that the original or some type of MOTU mash up?

    1. It's original. I think they've since rereleased a more updated version.

  4. I never got into this line as a kid but the packages and figures themselves all screamed TMNT.

  5. I think that's what drew alot of people in. It makes me wonder if there was ever a TC/TMNT crossover.

    1. Unfortunately there never was a Toxie/TMNT crossover, but with all the crossing over they have been doing lately (Ghostbusters/Batman/Power Rangers) you never know what IDW has up their sleeves!

    2. Thank for the heads up ,Spyda 👍

  6. I wish I had not been as autistic with collections as a kid. For me I "had" to have a main mainline, first it was TMNT and I only asked for those figures, then it was G.I. Joe and it was the same. I also had hot-wheels and small numbers of other lines (Like a few BTAS) but what I'm saying is that when I was in my TMNT phase I would never even think about buying anything similar like Toxic Avenger because they weren't "TMNT" and then I missed on so much great figures! same with G.I. Joe I would not even want to get the knock-offs like "Corps!" or third party vehicles or sets even though it would improve playing because they were not G.I. Joe! how dumb was that? lol I even was dumb with the "only 1 of each character" thing I had going on, and it stopped me from army building some basic troopers; Every figure was its own character to me, having multiples did not make much sense haha. Damn I was really dumb about my favorite hobby back then.

    1. Don't feel bad, I was the same way. I never mix and matched universes. It wouldn't have made sense. Also, any line I ever became interested in had to have had some kind of an accompanying series or comic book for me to get a feel for each character when playing with them.

  7. My brother had a Toxie action figure and I remember him being pretty cool. After some months of rough play though, his left eye popped out and we were never able to recover it!

  8. I would have loved to have been there when that thing rolled out of Toxie's eye socket! Sheer terror🤣🤣


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