Action Figure Of The Day

Crazy how I never associated Swamp Thing with DC. If there was a comic run back when I was a kid I totally overlooked it. Now he's featured in most Justice League cartoon series' . My earliest memories of him were from the live action film released in the early 80s. This figure stems from the Swamp Thing cartoon which, again, I never watched much. I just really liked the different versions of Swamp Thing. Of all the figures that were released, this one was always my favorite.


  1. I was big into the cartoon, as well as the live-action television show, when I was a kid. Never much cared for the film though, and I suspect that a lot of the people who do say that they like it, really only like it for one scene in particular... yeah, that scene! The toys were awesome for the time, and still look really good today.

    1. Either I'm showing early signs of dementia or I was a total square as a kid cuz I can't, for the life of me, remember " that scene!" 😂 I'm sure at some point today I'll youtube it. Nothing wrong with refreshing the memory 😜

  2. I vaguely remember the live action movie. Pretty sure I watched it over at my buddy's house when I spent the night, but that's about all I've got.

  3. I loved the movie. I also don't remember "the scene." Will have to YouTube it. I assume it must be a "Phoebe Cates - Fast Times" scene with Adrienne Barbeau?

    1. Yep - that was easy to find. One of the first movies I saw on cable, when we first got cable.

  4. That does it! I'm headed over to Youtube the second after I publish this reply 😅


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