DC Spin Master The Caped Crusader - Man - Bat

 Is it Manbat or Man-Bat? Either way, this Is a great looking action figure! Lets take a look at the packaging.

Here's Man-Bat sans wings. 
I guess they counted his wings as the third accessory because this time around you only get his orange claws and a blaster .

Card backgrounds are relative to the mission . The first card Is the Harbor Defender mission and the second is the Sky Detective mission. 

Just a couple of fun pics I took with some added help from my daughter who supplied me with some cool LED's !



  1. Like the Man-Bat figure... even though I'm not familiar with that character (sorry... I never really read comics, so my exposure to DC characters is from movies and cartoons). By the way... which team is Kong on?

    1. It's all gravy, Fuji. I'm not very familiar with him either. I kind of remember him from the Animated Series years back. Kongs just kinda...there lol.

  2. Very cool figure. Love the green light on the Timmee mountain.

  3. Great pics! I saw a Bronze Tiger from this line the other day!

  4. Thanks! I've been in a lull as of late but will definitely look out for it .

  5. I like the pics! very Schumacher era feel.


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