A Turn Of Events

 For those of you who might be wondering where I've been, well, life has thrown me a curveball. I don't want to get into it just yet but will at some point.  This post is essentially just a beacon to let everyone know that I'm still kicking. I'm still on the lookout for Classified Joe figures just not as aggressively. My Snake Eyes figure arrived about a week ago. These pics have been sitting In my camera for a few days now. This was an on-line purchase. Lord knows these things don't exist In the wild anymore. I have a better chance of running into a Sabre-tooth Tiger. The listing was for a loose figure so I was happy to see that the seller also included the ( pretty banged up) packaging. Because of everything that was transpiring my enthusiasm for the figure was slightly curbed, hence the lack of pics. No worries, though, a more thorough Classified Snake Eyes post is on the way with comparison pics to his 3.75 figures. Stay tuned!


  1. Hope everything works out OK. A bit of Snake-Eyes always helps.

  2. Sorry to hear about that curveball. I hope that you and your family are safe and that this is something you'll be able to recover from. Sending positive thoughts your way.

  3. Many thanks go out to the both of you 🙏

  4. I had one of those little turn of events last year... sometimes when one door closes another opens. Wishing you well.

  5. Great advice WFTA! I sure hope it holds true. Thank you and I appreciate it.

  6. I just got the entire 1st wave... could not resist. Preordered the 2nd wave as well, and the Profit Director Destro & Regal Variant Cobra Commander. Just take my money! :D
    Be Well

  7. Thanks, Colin and congrats! I'm really digging the Snake Eyes figure.

  8. Glad you got one - Even if it was via ebay.


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