DC Spin Master Heroes Unite - Cyborg

Every time I crack open another 4" DC Spin Master  figure, I learn something new or notice something different about It. I'm not sure If the cardback variations, though subtle, are done on purpose or If It was just a blunder on their part. Either way I kind of like It. As you can see, unlike the Superman cardback, this one sports the 1st Edition foil stamp on the upper right hand corner of the packaging. Also, I really like how they place character specific logo/insignia right underneath the figure.

As we turn the package around, you'll notice the image of the actual figure along with the 4 possible missions you could receive. Not all Spin Master packaging Is the same. Sometimes you'll have a digitally rendered picture of the character or no picture of the character at all, just the 4 missions. This could all be wave specific ,though. If anybody knows more about this than I do, please fill us In down In the comment section.   

Ahhh, no cape! Finally a figure I can just yank out of the packaging without worrying about damaging any soft goods.

Cyborg, chillin' next to the detachable locker containing the three mystery accessories. All Heroes Unite figures come with one. Again, you get the characters logo/insignia stamped on each unit.   

I'm so glad I pulled this particular set of accessories! The silver chainsaw and jet pack make more sense than the brighter colored ones do. And It seems a though I may have a rare, red blaster .   

Sorry about the blurry scan, but these are the two possible sets of accessories you could receive with your Cyborg figure. If you look closely, the yellow square underneath the red blaster indicates a rare accessory.  

Honestly, I wasn't crazy about the Cyborg figure inside the packaging, but after holding him in-hand my thoughts on the figure have changed. I mean, look at this greatness!   

Funny how his collectible card  features The Flash, a figure i think I am going to have a hard time obtaining. On a side note , you might be able to adjoin these collectible cards. Judging from the Superman card with the  similar background. 

Stay tuned, people. Captain Marvel, err, Shazam, Is next up to the plate!


  1. Congratulations on pulling a rare accessory.

    1. It would have been 20x cooler with a Cyborg auto on it 😉

  2. I saw a well stocked shelf of these at Walmart today and while I'm not collecting the line (or much of anything DC lately, really) I do like how these assortments seem to be quite varied. I saw at least four different villains, a couple Batman variants, and a few heroes like Nightwing and Robin. Definitely better availability and mixed assortments than Mattel usually put out.

    1. Great points BBQ but one thing you forgot to mention was the 7 dollar price tag on these figures. And most of the playsets run under 20 bucks.


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