Moved In And Groovin' !

Phew! We are finally done with our move and I think I'm ready to get back into a groove as far as blogging goes. And even though I'm only a couple of hours away from where we lived before, things still feel a little bit like an Outer Limits episode. A professional sports team, genuinely nice people, strip malls everywhere with toy scoring opportunities for miles. It's going to take a little time for me to get used to. O.K. who am I kidding? After spending a couple of hours with the missus out looking for a new cpu desk and realizing that I was literally surrounded by stores filled with action figure goodness, settling In might not be as hard as I originally expected. 

Five Below had a bunch of TMNT stuff. The Big Lots we went to to find the cpu desk had a bunch of Elite Force figures I had been looking for and Wal-Mart had a decent selection of action figures as well. No classic Ghostbusters figures, tho. Either way It looks like the toy getting's gonna be good! Here's my latest pick up. Nothing big but a line that I've been wanting to check out for some time.

This is one of those made to be played with toys. At $7 and some change you get a lot of bang for your buck. The novelty here lies In the amount of  extras that are included with the figure. Even the packaging can be considered an extra If you count the collectible trading card. I could see kids having a blast with this!  

While not my idea of a trading card, the gimmick of being able to tear this off of the packaging and keep as a collectible Is a cool one. Of course us 80's kids didn't have the luxury of perforated file cards. We actually had to put some work into It using moms good sewing scissors.     

But wait! There's more! Once you get done storing away your awesome little Batman action shot, you can move on to the mystery boxes!

With a slight push, each box pops open pretty easily, revealing your mystery accessory! 

This Is what I got. I'm not sure how random this Is. I'm thinking the only thing that is randomized Is the color of the weapons. I think I remember seeing an orange batarang with some of these 1st edition Batman figures. Luckily I got the black one.

I really like the look of the figure. It has just enough articulation to get him into some cool poses  and the sculpt is pretty solid.

Another plus Is the fact that he can hold his weapons securely. An action figure Is only as good as it's efficiency to grip it's weapons. 

It took me a little while to figure out that these two neon green swords could be combined to make a Bat-Shield!

As you can see, he scales well with Marvel Universe figures and not so well with DC Infinite figs.   

I'm not sure what It Is but I've been In Batman/ Punisher mode of late. I really like the combination of the two. 

As for these Spinmaster DC figures? It's hit and miss for me. I like the Shazam, Superman and most of the Batman variations. I'm also digging some of the villains, especially Darkseid. Unfortunately, most of the other figures just aren't doing It for me.  


  1. Congratulations on the successful move. That Batman is a cool figure... although I'd probably just want simple black or silver weapons instead of bright orange and green.

  2. Thanks, Fuji. Silver weapons would have been really nice!

  3. "I'm not sure what it is but I've been in Batman/Punisher mode of late."... sounds like someone is channeling their inner vigilante :)

  4. I think I'd make a great vigilante but I doubt I'd be as graceful as Batman and Punisher. I'd be more like Tackleberry.


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