Shaking My Head In Disappointment

Lately I've been finding some really great deals on Marvel Universe figures . I've been wanting this Punisher figure forever and finally found one for $8 and some change  ,brand new In packaging.It's gonna be a long time before another one gets listed at that low price as most sell for about $30 bucks on eBay. I was a happy camper and couldn't wait for the figure to arrive. And here It is...

You're probably thinking this Is the perfect Punisher figure , much like I was . He comes with a great assortment of weapons ,has a great head sculpt and comes with a crappy little comic shot. The problems began once I got him out of the packaging. 

You can't tell from the pic but I actually had to cut the right leg strap around the back In order to properly pose his leg. And then ,as I was posing the figure ,the leg fell off completely. It's a terrible quality control issue that should have been remedied before release. What a fucking damper :(

I quickly hopped on YouTube to see If any other collectors ran into the same issue with this figure and ,yes, the problem was  prevalent In most cases. This brought me back to a post by fellow blogger Stunt Zombie , about how hyper articulated figures can ,at times , be pretty damned dysfunctional. Without the alteration , Punisher  would have been a pain to pose . I hate messing with the integrity of a figure and the fact that I had to take scissors to this one really irks me. 

It's still an aesthetically pleasing figure , but dysfunctional ,nonetheless. Needless to say ,I won't be playing with this figure much and that really blows because he's so damn cool looking .

Oh well. All I can do Is shake my head and move on to the next. 


  1. What a bummer! I've had some older McFarlaine KISS figures do that in past as well. I hate that happened to you.

    1. It's all good , WFTA ;) Truth is,this might have sparked my interest In 6 inch Legends figures. I've been looking at some Punisher figures In that scale.

  2. Bummer man. Sorry to hear that happened.

  3. Yeah... if you have to take a pair of scissors to a brand new figure... I'd say that's a flaw by the manufacturer. But at least you got it cheap... and it looks pretty cool.

  4. And that's what sucks the most ,Fuji! Such an awesome looking figure , but that's all you can do is look at it.


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