Birthday Haul

I recently got some birthday cash from the parentals and decided It was time to scratch that damn Punisher itch that I haven't been able to successfully get rid of . And that damn Series 4 figure! Well ,read on ....

I was pretty excited to get another V.4 Punisher figure . I thought for sure this one would be a keeper . I was wrong :(  The messed up part about the whole thing Is that the leg worked great ! This time It was his shoulder joint  . The previous owner must have crazy glued It in place because It just wouldn't move . Also , you could tell where the glue was applied because there was goop everywhere . So , yeah , this one's going back . And ,yes , another one is on the way.   


This purchase was a success  . My first Legends figure ! Actually , I haven't taken him out of the packaging yet so my fingers are crossed . 

Down below you'll notice the dreaded v.4  figure. I managed to snap this pic of all my Puns together before shipping him back to the seller. 


  1. Happy belated birthday! That Punisher is sweet. I don't think I could open it up. I love the packaging too much.

    1. Thanks Fuji 😉 Yeah they did the 90s line justice with the awesome cardback. It will be hard to to do , but ultimately , Frank Castle will be freed from his plastic prison.

  2. Always nice to treat yourself with birthday cash! Happy birthday.

    1. Thanks! It wasn't a huge haul and getting another defective Punisher kind of sucks but that Legends figure is definitely the silver lining.

  3. Happy Birthday. Nice collection of Punishers.

  4. Thanks Jigs!More Punisher to come 👍


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