Birthday Haul Part 3 - Another Fail

The final item in my birthday haul arrived yesterday and I was pretty excited about It. I had been out most of the day helping my daughter and her boyfriend move so coming home was doubly rewarding considering I had an action figure waiting there for me! Sometimes, in all the excitement I tend to overlook things. At first glance It seems like everything Is In the packaging. I noticed there was an accessory missing but thought maybe It'd be behind the figure, tucked away somewhere. I was wrong. I'm not quite sure what happened here. The listing was for a new, never opened figure. And to be honest the box was sealed up neatly and looked brand new, but upon opening It and taking It out of the packaging, something wasn't quite right. Batman's batarang with string attached  was missing. At that point a little bit of smoke started to come out of both of my ears. Remember, I was already dealing with the problem involving my replacement Punisher figure, which btw still hasn't gotten here. It's been almost two weeks. So by now I'm almost in full blown Wolverine berserker rage mode. On the left Is what the complete figure in package should have looked like. On the right is how mine arrived.


Also, I think I may have frayed his cape a little when pulling him out of the packaging. It's one of those deals where they thread the cape  through this tiny slit In the back of the plastic and you have to pull It through to free It. It's whatever. The seller offered me a refund but I had to pay to ship It back. If I bought it with free shipping shouldn't he have paid for the return of the merchandise? Especially since It was a mistake on his end?  He then offered a $5 partial refund for the missing accessory but I didn't want that. I told him I'd chalk It up to a loss but told him  to be more mindful of his merchandise before shipping. So just like the Punisher figure, I'll probably have to pick up another one of these at some point. It won't be anytime soon, though. 


  1. Nice looking Batman, but that really sucks. Sorry to read this. Oh and Happy Belated Birthday!

    1. Thanks, Alexis. Yeah that batarang is a pretty integral part of the figure seeing as how it pays homage to the 90s Toybiz Batman. Its all good tho. You win some you lose some.

  2. Man, that stinks! Things are bound to get better though, hopefully soon!

  3. Man I hope. I mean with all this other, more serious stuff going on , toy fails pale in comparison. Thanks for the kind words Spyda ;)

  4. Cool figure. Bummer about the accessories. Happened to me as well. Sealed box. Missing weapon. WTH?

    1. Sorry it happened to you too but glad mine wasn't just an anomaly. Is the cape on yours frayed too?


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