Birthday Haul Part 2

The Marvel Superheroes ToyBiz line of figures was a dream come true for  fans of the brand. Yeah , Mattel gave us  a nice assortment of  3.75 figures, with the Secret Wars line, but a very limited one. If you liked The Punisher as much as I  did as a kid then you were pretty much as stoked with the release of this figure.  The cap firing mechanism was a little bit of an eye sore  but considering this was the first Punisher action figure ...EVER... It just wasn't that big of a deal. Also , correct me If I'm wrong, but I think this marked the first time an action figure was ever coupled with a cap gun gimmick. 

The ToyBiz line was so popular that Hasbro decided to pay homage  by releasing a set of Legends figures with similar cardbacks. Now that I look at the two side by side ,they aren't that similar. What do you guys think?

Here's the Punisher, unarmed, yet and still very dangerous!

As a kid , this Is what I loved the most about this figure! Guns! Every Punisher action figure should come with 4 guns or more. No less! 

What was your favorite ToyBiz Marvel Superheroes figure and why? I'd love to hear about It In the comments!


  1. I'm not really that knowledgeable of this line of figures to answer the question... but I do love the packaging on both of the figures in today's post.

  2. The 1989-90 ToyBiz Marvel Superheroes line gave us a ton of great Marvel Characters to choose from , many getting an action figure for the first time! I may find a link on the entire line with a checklist and place it on my sidebar.

  3. I was, and still am, a big fan of this line. Trying to pick a favorite isn't really possible for me, as I really do like the vast majority of them. Happy belated birthday BTW :)

    1. Thanks Jon ! I'm gonna have to do some careful consideration before making my final decision as well. Punisher ranks high , though.

  4. I was away in college (and nowhere near a toy store) when these started coming out. When I graduated, I couldn't believe the sheer volume of figures that were released, especially from the X-Men. Amazing and glad Toybiz went all out during that time.

  5. Toybiz needs it's own documentary some day. Their figures may not have been as aesthetically pleasing as today's figures but back then we were less picky. We just wanted toy representations of our favorite characters.


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