Marvel Universe - Archangel

Slowly but surely , I've been able to add key figures to my Marvel Universe collection by waiting It out. Had I known these figures were going to be so scarce and expensive today  I would have picked them up back when they first released years ago. Like the cliche saying goes "Hindsight is 20/20".

So ,that aside. Lets move on to the figure! One of the nicer figures In the Marvel Universe  action figure line,Archangel is a series 2 release , numbered 015. I never understood the "Fans Choice Winner!" designation on the left hand corner of the packaging. Was there some kind of an  official pole for collectors to vote on their favorite figures?

It felt great to have a carded figure in my hands again . Loose figures are cool but like most collectors will tell you,nothing beats the smell of a new action figure. It's chemically delicious!

Hasbro put their all into these first few series of  Marvel Universe figures. Included was a Top Secret folder containing a paper document and file card  along with a personalized figure stand. 

The figure Is pretty amazing. 

I was surprised to see the articulation In the wings. I did not know they'd be so poseable. 

I wanted to make this next series of pics look dramatic but Instead made him look like he's In the beginning stages of doing the Macarena.

"Heyyyy , Macarena!"

The paint apps were a little hit and miss but overall I'm really digging the figure. Another one off the list!


  1. Cool figure... but dang it... now I've got that song stuck in my head.

  2. Nice figure!

    The freakin' Macarena! I had finally forgotten that earwig and here you go bringing it back to mind... ARRRGH!

    1. LOL! It's been stuck in my head thanks to Hotel Transylvania . That last scene where they all start dancing to it had me rolling!!!

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  5. To answer your question, yes, there was a voting process. Hasbro partnered with ToyFare back in the day for some of these. Essentially you would go online, sometimes see the prototype images for the figures, and from there, cast your vote at the link provided.

    When ToyFare folded, later polls were held on sites such as Instagram. You really had to have your ear to the ground in the Marvel Universe scene and keep up with everything to even be aware of some of the polls.

  6. I figured It happened somewhere at some point. Thanks for the heads up !


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