I Have A Vision...

A couple of quick updates.If the backgrounds of my pics start to look a little different It's due to the fact that my kids have been utilizing the toy room. The toy room Is now the Zoom room ,lol! Also, we are In the process of moving! So most of my stuff has been packed away . I'm still picking up the stray figure here and there ,particularly Marvel Universe figures. It seems that lately ,more and more of the rare figures have been popping up on eBay for insanely low prices. I found this Vision figure for 10 bucks and some change ,shipped!


  1. Ahh... Zoom. I've been using Google Meet to meet up with my classes, but starting next Monday I'll be transitioning to Zoom.

  2. To be honest I'm not even sure which one they use half the time. All I know Is that If I'm not super quiet while they're interfacing my daughters will let me have it. That means no playing with the dogs,no singing and no guitar playing while class is in session lol.

  3. Nice find. Nice price. Very cool figure.


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