I'm Drawing Again!

Not that I'm any good at it , but I've decided to start drawing again. It's a nice change of pace from gaming and social media. It's crazy, I've grown so close to both Snake Eyes and Wolverine through comics, cartoons and video games that I can draw them from memory. They're not exact representations as I'm not very good with the smaller details.So I keep it simple. Im also pretty sure  I got the Arashikage symbol wrong too lol.


  1. Cool. It's a great hobby to get unplugged.

  2. A). Good for you on getting back into drawing!
    B). Your drawing is really fantastic!
    C). Art is art... not everything has to have small details to be good!

    1. D) A very big thank you for all of the above 👍

  3. Awesome! I wish I could draw from memory. Most of the stuff I draw (examples for my students) are traced.

  4. Thanks Fuji!Nothing wrong with tracing.

  5. There is an art store close by us that is going out of business so I've been stacking up on paint and canvases. My daughter had two friends over yesterday and they painted for 7 straight hours. Not staring at their phones. Just painting and chatting. It was nice to witness.

    1. So true man!Im pretty sure they had a blast too. Painting or drawing on a canvas is so much better than using your finger or stylus on a phone screen.

    2. I went to that AC Moore looking for drawing paper, not one pad to be found.


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