1988 NBA Starting Lineup - Michael Jordan

I knew at some point I wanted to  start an NBA Starting Lineup collection but I wanted my first figure to be this one right here....

It took me a while to pick up this 1988 Jordan figure due to the fluctuating prices he was going for on eBay. I was finally able to find him for a decent price ,along with another one i'll be posting about In the near future. To me ,this figure Is beyond great! It's a nice representation of  a young Michael Jordan , hair and all! The only thing missing Is the arm band.

Now,most would argue that Kenner should have posed him going In for the dunk . I can understand that , for obvious reasons. I ,personally , dig the reverse layup sculpt. They were ,IMO, just as amazing to watch as his dunks were.


  1. Awesome figure. I've kept every single MJ SLU I've ever picked up. I think my favorite is the 1991 figure of him jumping.

    1. This was one of those must haves for me.The NBA figures are a nice change of pace from the MLB lines. I can't imagine It being an easy task , trying to come up with different poses for them that didn't involve them being mid air . Did they start using those metal rods in 91?

    2. Yeah... they used a metal rod for that figure.

  2. In Delaware / Pennsylvania, every flea market you go to, the dealers have boxes and boxes of sealed Starting Lineup figures. Pretty much every person you stop at has some form of figures from this line. It's crazy.

    1. They're everywhere!Most of them are pretty cheap and easy to find.They remind me of the junk wax era baseball cards.

  3. Love Starting Lineup though I only had a few. Mostly Bulls given I grew up in Chicago. Awesome Jordan find.

  4. Thanks ,Jigz!I'll probably end up with a few Bulls figs as they were such an iconic team. Definitely looking to add a Rodman figure next ;)

  5. Great figure. SLU were the bomb back in the day. Fun post!


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