Marvel Universe Wonder Man

Those of you who regularly check In on my blog know how badly I've been wanting to add a Marvel Universe Wonder Man figure to my collection.Finally ,I was able to find one at a reasonable price. I'd like to do some research at some point to see what It Is that makes some of these figures so much more expensive than others from the same line. I don't need many to complete my personal want list but the ones I need are obviously the ones that I can't really afford,and It kind of blows. Even If I could afford them ,I wouldn't pay any of those insane asking prices.

I don't know what It Is about Wonder Man that I dig so much.I think It's a combination of his dope outfit ,color scheme and  his mental instability. He's a character that's kind of vein and all over the place and I can dig that.Relate to It almost. He's also pretty damn powerful when at full strength.

A quick head swap and.... 


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