Happy New Year!

The wife's away for a couple of days so what better way to spend the time than by setting up a new action figure display lol.I snatched this up from my parents today and will be filling it with action figures tonight over a glass of red wine 😉 Damn, 2020 !Where does the time go? Happy New Years people !


  1. Happy New Year! Sounds like a great way to start the new year.

  2. Happy New Year!!! Spent 3 days purging the kids old toys and now we have room for all the new stuff they got at Christmas. Now on to 2020!!

    1. Ugh.The great purge! I know all about it!

    2. My older daughter doesn't want to get rid off anything! she is like a hoarder even though she barely plays with them; wants to keep everything even toys intended for younger kids and broken toys! I'm afraid I'm going to pull one of those "throwing toys while the kid is not around" we so much feared and scarred some of us in the 80's and 90's. Now I understand some parents!

  3. Happy new year! I hope you and your family and everyone here that visits has a wonderful year.

    1. Thanks Kanov!Here's to a new G.I. Joe film in 2020 😉

  4. Did you point out the new shelf to your wife? Or did you let her discover it on her own?

  5. She discovered it 😆 😆 And was actually cool with it 😓

  6. Happy New Year! Great way to start the year.

  7. Thanks,Jigs and right back atcha !


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