Taking A Look At Snake Eyes V.37 !

This Snake Eyes figure has been on my want list for too long and thanks to Brothermidnight , I can cross It off the list.

What a lot of pictures fail to convey are the purple accents on this Snake Eyes  figure. They are subtle but noticeable. I like It . It gives It more of a comic book feel. In fact,up until the Retaliation Ultimate Snake Eyes released , this was the go to Snake Eyes for most collectors looking for a solid modern representation of  the beloved 1985  version. Lets compare the two and see how they both stack up to old V.2 Snake Eyes!

The obvious difference between the two is size. The Ultimate version Is a lot taller than the 25th Ann. version. It's  also a lot shinier . 

25th Ann. Snake Eyes/ Ultimate Snake Eyes

As far as head sculpts go,I think the 25th Ann. Snake Eyes beats the Ultimate version. It's way more accurate . 

Looking at both modern Snake Eyes figures next to the vintage and you would probably think that the 25th. Ann. version Is the better representation.  Scale wise ,yes, but there are two items missing from the modern 25th Ann. figure that the vintage figure has. Can you tell? Vintage Snake's has a gun molded onto his left leg and a knife on his right leg. Ultimate Snake Eyes got It right and then some as both the gun and knife are removable. Also, the bandoleer on the Ultimate version looks a little more like the one vintage Snake Eyes Is sporting. Which one do you guys think looks closest to the vintage figure? 


  1. I'm a novice when it comes to this stuff... so I'll just say all three look awesome!

  2. It's all good ,bro!I'll agree with your assessment ;)

  3. Snake Eyes will always be cool. Liked it better when he was a commando, and not a ninja, but the backstory was really neat.


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