Snake Eyes Jet Storm Rip-Attack Cycle (Revisited)

Looking through some things In my basement the other day,I happen to come across a bunch of  G.I Joe ROC boxes that I still have laying around. It's nice to revisit them after all these years just to relive the moment . I remember finding a couple  of these Snake Eyes Rip - Attack  cycles on clearance at my local TRU ,about  12 years ago, for about 5 bucks and some change. At first I thought this was just a Nerf like toy pistol or something because of the visible  trigger mechanism .

It's not until you turn the box around that you get to see exactly what It Is your getting here. I picked It up more for the  Snake Eyes figure which  btw looks nothing like the one included.

The rip cord goes .... .

One quick yank of the cord sets the back wheel  In motion and pressing the trigger releases the Jet Storm cycle. It actually works pretty well.

But If you're anything like me ,the trigger mechanism got tossed to the side  while the figure and cycle went on display. Snake Eyes doesn't look bad while mounted but Is a little bland as a stand alone figure.

Removable missiles are always a good thing for kids who like to simulate them In flight , but they  actually serve a purpose. They balance out the cycle while It's In motion and also help It stand .

As you can see the figure leaves a lot to be desired.Back then I liked It more because I hadn't picked up the single carded ROC Snake Eyes movie figure yet.

Clearly the movie fig outshines the one included with the Jet Storm cycle .

This set sells for about 25 bucks new on eBay today. Not worth It IMO. If you can find It for 15 bucks or less, definitely snag It up. 


  1. Reminds me of the Evel Knievel toy motorcycle I had when I was a kid. Except I don't think there was a cord. Instead there was some hand crank thing we used.

  2. I think kids still go for these kinds of gimmicks. Too bad you don't see it more often.


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