Recent Pick Ups

I saw these Chap Mei figs at my local Family Dollar going for 3 bucks a piece and couldn't pass them up. I think they'll look good In some pics with my DC Infinite Heroes figures. Speaking of,I also picked up  Hawkman, from the DC Infinite Heroes line. A more in depth look at all the figures should be up and posted later on tonight ;)


  1. do you procure True Heroes/Soldier force/Chap-mei/lanard etc vehicles? some of them are pretty good.

  2. Not really ,Kanov.I have seen them,though,and many of them are pretty kick ass. Especially the True Heroes stuff. I've always preferred Chap Mei's vehicle/figure sets over Lanards but since they were sold primarily at TRU ,I never got a chance to grab any.I've picked up Lanard sets In the past but not exclusively.

  3. Watched a YT review of these Chap Mei figures. Seems like a really good value for $3 each.

  4. They're nice,quality figures.I had fun messing with them and snapping pics.

  5. Good pick ups. I have the Hawkman Crisis figure and really like it. This one looks pretty good as well.

  6. That's the one I thought I had purchased up until I gave it a closer look in hand.


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