Jurassic Park/G.I. Joe 3 3/4 Unreleased Action Figure

I'm pretty sure by now most of you have seen this figure floating around the interwebs on toy review vlogs and on action figure blogs. I think the first time I saw this was on eBay. These figures were leaked, I guess, from China maybe?  Somehow , some way they made their way to the states and finally , thanks to Brothermidnight, I am a proud owner of , well I'll just call him JP. This guy has no name or backstory  but Is a dope figure , nonetheless.

He's a big figure. Definitely a bruiser! Here are some comparison shots next to some of my bigger 3 3/4 figs.

I was having a hard time figuring out how I'd display him.I ended up putting him next to some of my other movie themed 3 3/4 figures .I know,this guy never really came out in any movies but he does have the JP stamp on his vest , so. Plus, i think he and Indie would make a great dinosaur wrangling team ;)


  1. Love the face tattoo! I wish I was badass enough to get one. ;)

  2. Everyone's got an inner badass ,Fuji.It's just a matter of tapping into it. Here's a quick way of doing It.The next time you find yourself In a questionable neighborhood,walk up to the biggest guy you see and step on his foot.Doing so will automatically tap into your inner badass. What happens next is anybody's guess LOL.

    1. I gotta hit the gym before I consider tapping into my inner badass like that. And I have a pretty good idea what would happen next... and it wouldn't be good for me ;)

  3. He joined the ranks of Pacific Island figures with Red Dog and The Rock.


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