Trade Package From Brothermidnight

There's nothing better than a trade package full of toys arriving  on a Saturday!The amount of G.I Joe goodness that was packed into this box is too phenomenal for one post.At the bottom you'll see a pic of some key items that I pulled from the box just to give you an idea of the kind of stuff  Brothermidnight included.Lets start off by taking a look at some cool artwork Brother admittedly drew on the box while sitting In the car on the morning he shipped It.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the contents .Not pictured are the two vehicles that came inside the package as well.

This is just a fraction of  what was inside the box.G.I. Joe 25th Ann. Quick Kick,Joe Con Exclusive Outback and the one and only Matt Trakker  that released alongside the 25th Ann. figures,I believe. Brothermidnight also remembered me needing a rocket launcher for my Rambo figure and Order,Law's German Shepherd sidekick.Oh yeah,and a vintage HISS!Stay tuned for more Joe greatness and new display set up pics! 

Thanks Brother!


  1. wow what a great haul! Always nice to receive a package and examining every toy.

    1. Most definitely,Kanov!I'll be going over some of the contents tonight hopefully .

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ooh, mail art! You don't see that very much anymore, hopefully you kept it?

  3. Yeah,ya gotta love It!It'll hang around for a while.If for some reason It goes missing ,I'll always have the pics ;)

  4. Wow. That artwork is fantastic! I hope you didn't recycle it ;)


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