A Few Of My Trade Package Favs

Of the three figures you see here , I'm most excited about Destro .  I've never had a contemporary Destro figure but always needed one . I'm not sure which version this one is . I'm guessing 25th ann. and probably from a multipack ? The figure I'm most surprised about Is Major Bludd .  I like this guy alot more In hand than I do In pictures.I can't wait to do a group pic alongside my Ultimate Cobra Commander , 50th Zartan and Ultimate Storm Shadow figures!

It's no surprise that I'm a Snake Eyes collector so I was super stoked to find this version In the trade box!The Quick Kick and Alpine figures I'm absolutely crazy about! 

Here we have an unreleased JP figure  , and exclusive Outback and 25th Ann. Matt Trakker figure . At first I thought the Outback was one of Brothermidnight's customs but come to find out , It's a pretty rare exclusive. I've known about the Jurassic Park figure but never thought I'd own one.In fact,does anyone know what this figure had to do with the film?I haven't seen all the movies yet so I'm wondering If maybe he was a character In one of them.And I can't say enough about that Matt Trakker figure.It's one of those figures you can't help but hold In your hand,flick the propellers and spin around like an 8 year old. It's a 3 3/4 MASK figure , <smh > , insane!

More G.I. Joe greatness ! This time we have 25th Ann. Stalker , 50th Ann. Blowtorch and a 30th Ann. Slaughter's Marauders Low Light.

I missed out on a lot of the 25th Ann. stuff when they first came out and when they hit the clearance shelves . It seems like these figures were everywhere so I thought I'd be able to snag some up down the road . I was wrong and now they're super pricey on ebay. I'm happy to have these guys In my collection. The B.A.T. is sporting the cartoon accurate red visor,too! A mandela effect moment there as I always thought they had silver visors In the cartoon.

                  There's so much more that I have to get to so stay tuned for those future posts.


  1. Those Alpine and Snake-Eyes are gorgeous. That Alpine has been a want of mine for some time.

    1. Thanks Nicholas!The amount of Joe awesomeness In this package was pretty mind blowing.

  2. the dreaded "I'll get it later"... I've had that happen to me several times.

    The Jurassic Park figure was part of a cancelled series of JP toys by Hasbro when it still had the license that was going to re-use molds from G.I. Joe for the humans. It is a recolored Resolute Roadblock body and a Channing Tatum head I believe.

    Great haul all-around, enough figures for a dio story!

  3. Many thanks, Kanov!To think that I could have had the majority of these 25th Ann. figures for a mere couple of bucks when they first got put on clearance.Marshall's was crawling with them!

  4. Great figures. Thanks for sharing. My favorite is the Cobra Commander figure. Always a good visual to me.

  5. You mean the Cobra Trooper.Cobra Commander will be on the next post👍😉

  6. These are really cool. Reminds me of when I was a kid who loved my GI Joes.

  7. Thanx,Fuji!As a grown up who still loves his G.I. Joes ,I can definitely relate!


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