Please Excuse The Lack Of Posts!

Sorry for the lack of posts and the fact that  I haven't had the chance to swing by your sites and leave any  comments .This time of year gets kind of hectic with school starting up again.School supplies and clothing takes precedent over action figures.I have peaked In at a few sites quickly but not long enough to leave any meaningful comments.Things should get back up to speed soon,though.Wish me luck!


  1. I TOTALLY understand. First week of school is always rough for me. I even bailed on a card show today, because I wanted to sleep in and just have a relaxing day. My internal clock didn't allow me to sleep in, but I'm still planning on chilling today.

  2. I actually took the next week off because I'm all alone with the kids and they start on monday. I've still have not panicked but I'm expecting to.


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