Playing Resident Evil ,The Proper Way!

I brought my old school ,well not that old school, analog television set upstairs from my basement!I've already jammed out on my Sega and now It's time to hook up the ol' PS1 .I haven't seen what a PS1 game looks like on one of these models In years!Tonight,we remedy that with another go round of Resident Evil Directors Cut!Not only that but I will be using the original controller to boot ;)I've heard that PS1 games look better on these sets than on the newer flat screens.We shall see!!!!


I was truly amazed at how great  PS1 games look on this old SANYO  television set.Not only did the picture look great ,but the sound was incredible.Can you think of a better way to spend your Sunday night?In your toy room ,surrounded by action figures ,comic books and baseball cards while playing Resident Evil In the dark!!!O.K. you probably can.In fact I'm pretty sure you guys spent your Sunday doing something way more exciting.I'm a simple man,though,and this was a blast!


  1. I still have an old CRT television in my game room for retro gaming...especially light gun games. However I have my PS1 (both US and Japanese models) hook up to an HDTV via a HDMI upgrade cable. Sometimes it's nice have everything original, but I just can't stand using an AV connection anymore!

    1. I just got done playing about 20 minutes of R.E. and thought it looked great.I did have to bring up the brightness ,though.Such an odd feeling playing on these televisions.Im looking forward to playing some sports titles next.

  2. I would never play those horror games in the dark like that (such a pussy I know) so I'll give you props for that!

  3. As someone who's never owned an HDTV, all I've ever known is playing video games on CRT's, and honestly, I have absolutely no interest in ever trying to play them on anything else.

  4. You my friend are a trooper!I can appreciate a next gen game on a nice HD set.That said , the PS1 looks amazing on the older model and sounds so much better.Its really been a fun time ,eye wonkinest aside.Ive found myself having to re- acclimate my vision a bit after playing on flat screens for so long lol.

  5. I'm so bummed that I got rid of my old Sony CRT. Now I just have a bunch of old school gaming systems with nowhere to play them.

    1. Do yourself a favor and pick one up!Even If It's one of the smaller models ,Fuji.It's crazy how many times I come across them on the curb ,with remotes sometimes and a sign that reads "Still works!".

    2. It's more of an issue with "lack of space". I gave my brother a 32" Sony CRT from around 2003 or 2004 that sat in the master bedroom for 15 years. We only turned it on once a month... maybe less than that.

    3. Yeah I see where that can be an issue.I had to rationalize bringing this set up to the toy room ,the wifey wasn't having it lol.I told her to look at this way,the TV is upstairs now and closer to the garage where It will go before ultimately seeing the trash.Of course this sucker ain't going into no trash anytime soon,If ever lol.

  6. That is AWESOME! I still have an old TV hooked up in my bedroom in the basement and believe it or not it has a PS1 hooked up to it! I have been thinking of upgrading to a flat panel, but now I may be rethinking that choice!

  7. The thing with flat screens is that its hit or miss with regards to what games look good and which ones dont.Not all games support wide screen.I suppose you could zoom in or change display but that doesnt always work .With an old model every game will fit nicely on the screen ;)


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