Wonder Man Comic Lot!

I recently received my package containing 17  issues of  Wonder Man 1991 -94!This was a series I wanted to get into as a kid but only managed to  pick up the two titles you see below.I don't know what happened.I must have lost interest.I do remember really loving the character.Wonder Man came off as being kind of  aloof  and arrogant In the comics,some-timing as a Hollywood actor.He was kind of a lone wolf and that was something I gravitated towards when It came to comic book heroes and villains that appealed to me.I can't wait to read through these again and give you guys a little more insight into one of Marvels', IMO,most underrated heroes.

Marvel Wonder Man 1991 Issue # 1 (Front)

Marvel Wonder Man 1991 Issue # 1 (Back)

Marvel Wonder Man 1991 Issue # 6 (Front)

Marvel Wonder Man 1991 Issue # 6 (Back)


  1. That Marvel trading cards ad is one of my favorite print ads of all-time!!!

  2. Wait until you see the add in issue #2 ;)

  3. Sadly, I lost much of my interest in this series based on a few of the bits with kids in it mixed with the later history of the writer.

    1. I've yet to get that far into it but will look into that.So far its been a pretty whimsical read.

  4. Don't know much about Wonder Man, but the 1990-1993 Impel Marvel Universe cards are some of my favorite non-sports cards of all-time.

    1. I agree Fuji.Ill be adding some of those to my collection soon!

  5. Always liked Wonder Man, too. if you can find it, look for "tales of the marvels- The Wonder Years"


  6. Aren't they great?!?I actually read them as they show up throughout the comic.Well,the good ones ,anyways.


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