Pop Culture Jibber Jabber

Whenever I find myself with a little downtime,I go to the old toy room and reflect.I reflect on alot of things.Why do I have so many toys?Why Is It so damn hot outside?Why do I complain about the heat when In the winter time all I did was  pray for summer to get here?Today I got to thinking about a Jason Vorhees / Snake Eyes matchup.Or,not even a match up but just a comparison.Both have a lot in common.Jason wears a  mask to cover his hideous appearance.So does Snake Eyes. They're both silent and can sneak up on you when and where you least expect it.Both carry a sword .Well Jason carries a machete .Same shit.1982 marked the first time Jason donned his trademark hockey mask In Friday The 13th part 3.So you make the call.Did the creators of G.I. Joe have Jason Vorhees In mind when they created Snake Eyes?

This Is the original Sunbow cartoon version of Snake Eyes.More militarized ,before the ninja motif took off.But damn It If that head design doesn't resemble a hockey mask.

Image result for gi joe cartoon 1982 snake eyes 

Here's Mr. Vorhees. O.K. kind of apples and oranges but man do they give off that same silent but deadly vibe.No machine gun just a a handy machete.But Snake Eyes would later have a sword of his own.

Image result for jason voorhees

Snake Eyes and Jason unmasked!

Image result for snake eyes face  Related image

Your takes?


  1. Before hearing your points, I probably would have thought you're joking. But you bring up some good points. Just can't imagine too many other have ever drawn comparisons between these two guys.

  2. I thought I was crazy too .I know the two are completely different but at the same time ,It's that vibe they both give off.There's something about a mute assailant that freaks me the f*%$ out,lol!

  3. I came to the conclussion once that after all what Snake Eyes has done, and specially after seeing the Resolute mini series, that he is a complete psycho! he probably suffers PTSD and I had actually an idea in my head about a mini story revolving SE snapping, maybe after seeing Scarlett killed or something and just go on a killing spree on a Cobra Terror Drome trying to get revenge and the Joe team is then sent after him because he went rogue and they fear him like a weapon because they don't know what he is capable of in that state and they fear he might go after them too!

    1. Exactly!That's kind of how I saw it too.Someone whos seen so much In war with the army and G.I. Joe with no voice to express his feelings Is sure to develop some kind of Jason Vorhees like syndrome lol.Snake Eyes Is already dangerous but crazy,deranged Snake Eyes Is ten times deadlier!

    2. A Rambo/Jason combination!!!


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