X-Force Issue #1

My childhood comic book collection consisted mostly of  cool looking covers or just issues and story arcs that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.I wasn't hip to the creators of the content.I mean ,I knew there were different artists and writers but I never based my comic purchases on any one name In the business.If It was a Marvel book,I was gonna give It a try,regardless of who inked or lettered the comic.Also ,any superhero team that started with the letter "X " was a must read for me.I was super excited when I first found out about about X-Force.My thinking was ,this was going to be X-Men all over again,but with new characters!And when I finally saw the first issue on my LCS  shelves,I instantly fell In love with the cover! It was larger than life ,with an imposing Cable on the front and an equally insane looking character (Shatterstar) on the back holding twin Katanas!

I must admit to not being able to remember the story as It was years ago when I last read it.I'm also not sure If I want to break It out of It's collectors edition plastic baggy to read through It again. What I do remember ,and by now It's become pretty cliche,Is the style of art and the odd way the characters were drawn.It almost looked as If...I drew this comic .Ok so I wasn't as talented as Liefeld but we both had something In common.The complete inability to draw hands and feet ,lol. Even as a kid I could tell there was something wrong with the character proportions.But you know what ,I was o.k. with that.The character designs made up for It ,imo. And you know what?I'm still cool with It today.

Marvel X-Force 1992  #1 (Front)

Marvel X-Force 1992 #1 (Back)


  1. I've got this one in my collection too. Still in the bag.

  2. Cool!We are officially In the X-Force bagged first Issue Collectors Item club ;) Which card did yours come with?

  3. I picked up this copy too. Like you... I thought this was the second coming of X-Men. I'd guess that I still have it laying around somewhere. Seems like I see this comic around flea markets at least a few times a year. I'm gonna guess that it supply exceeded demand.

    1. It's probably everywhere.Much like everything else that came out in that era.


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