The Punisher War Journal Issue #1

 It must have been summer of 1989  when I picked this one up, as a 12 year old, while visiting my moms side of the family In Manhattan,NY. I remember It clearly.My mom,sister and I walking through a crowded Delancey St. In search of a clothing store for my sister.Me?I didn't want no stinkin' clothes.I wanted comics!And It turns out magazine news stands outnumbered clothing stores 20 to 1 on that particular strip so I got to get my shopping on first!I can remember my sister throwing a fit about It,calling me a spoiled brat under her breath ,lol!She was right,though ;) As we crossed the busy street,approaching  the newsstand ,I could see It!There It was!A first issue Punisher mag with issues 2 and 3 right behind It!I scooped up all three along with a few other miscellaneous titles.

   The amount of nostalgia swirling around my head right now , as I type this , Is off the charts!Punisher War Journal was one of my most immersive comic book experiences.Ever!An experience I am looking forward to relive when I open up the pages of my newly acquired copy for a second time!
Marvel Punisher War Journal 1988 #1 (Front)

Marvel Punisher War Journal 1988 #1 (Back)


  1. My older sister called me a spoiled brat on more than one occasion too ;) Awesome cover.

    1. It really Is ,Fuji.I have It on display now ,looking forward to reading through it again.

  2. I was more of a War Zone guy, but I can get down with some War Journal too! And thanks for sharing the memory, it was a fun one :)

    1. Your welcome,Jon 😉 Once Im done re-collecting books I had as a kid,im gonna track down some Warzone.

  3. I remember going to the Rockaway Mall in NJ and seeing a copy of this comic sitting on a bench inside the shopping center. I really wanted to grab it, but my inner voice told me not too. Not because I was being a nice guy, but because I thought it was some sort of setup!

    1. LOL!I would have probably thought the same!How funny,had you done It and gotten caught ,your parents would have "punished" you for stealing a "Punisher" comic book ;)


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