Re-Collecting My Childhood Comics!

In the 80's ,X-Men Classic,or Classic X-Men ,whichever one you prefer, were a great series of comic books.As a kid I had a few stragglers ,you know ,late issues In my collection but I could never find that elusive number 1.So when Jim Lee dropped X-Men #1, In 1991 , I was all In.I was finally going to be  able to follow an X-Men story arc from the very beginning!Ya see,comic books was our Netflix.Only we had to wait a full month before we could get our hands on the next episode.And even after that month long wait,It wasn't a sure thing that your local comic shop would have any In stock.Still,there was nothing more exhilarating than walking into a  shop and finding that new release!Right away, X- Men became life.I had other comics In my collection.West Coast Avengers,Captain America,Spider-Man but nothing ever came close to my collection of  Jim Lee X-Men comic books.Today,I am one step closer to obtaining all of the Jim Lee X-Men comics I had as a kid.There's lots more to go ,but these are the 2 (one of them Is a variant issue) that started It all for me!

What a great feeling It Is  to have this book In my hands again after so many years! 

Marvel X-Men #1 1991 (Front)
                            So happy to have some of these figures In my collection today!

Marvel X-Men #1 1991  (Back)

Marvel X-Men #1 1991 (Front/Variant)

Marvel X-Men  #2 1991 (Front)

                   I spent quite some time playing this game over summer break as a kid.

Marvel X-Men  #2 1991 (Back)


  1. I remember collecting all the covers for this book...But I never actually read it.

  2. Ugh!You missed out, TB!It's all good ,though,you can always pick up a copy and remedy that.

  3. Remember when these came out. Such a big deal. Nice pick ups.,

  4. Thanks ,Bulldog.That number 1 issue was a best seller.It sold a ton of copies!

  5. I never became a huge comic book collector, but I worked at a card shop that sold comics, so I'd buy certain issues that caught my eye. I'm pretty sure I have that X-Men #1 with Cyclops and Wolverine sitting in a box somewhere.

  6. Its such a great cover!All the variations are ,especially when placed adjacent to each other to create a panoramic image.

  7. I remember the craze surrounding this issue(s) release quite well. They printed off like a gajillion copies, and yet, dealers still couldn't keep them on the shelves! Another book too that everybody was going to retire early on :)

  8. Im actually glad I grew up in the junk wax/overproduction era.Nothing has soared in value and its all relatively cheap and easy to find today.

  9. I've got a couple of the variants in my collection, but my fave is the one with Cyclops and Wolverine on the cover. Cool comic!

    1. Agreed!But my sentimental favorite will always be the one with Mags on the cover.


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