Transformers G1 Reissue Warpath

I can finally knock another figure off my want and watch list.Funny that Toy Box brought up the fact that most of the time ,brick and mortar stores never have what we're looking for.Well,this time I had no intentions on picking up any figures.What was supposed to be just a quick dog food run to the grocery store turned into a fruitful toy hunt.I don't think Warpath released with the initial wave of minicon reissues,as he was nowhere to be found during that time.I remembered seeing some Walmart reissue Warpath listings on eBay recently  and decided to quickly scan the toy aisles before exiting with my dog food and other miscellaneous items.Sure enough,there he was!

Isn't that card art glorious!It's like Warpath's reaching out to grab the action figure before you get a chance to break It out of It's plastic confines! 

Warpath was one of the few Transformers I owned as a kid and I absolutely loved him!Maybe It had  to do with the fact that he was a tank and me being a huge G.I. Joe freak,well,It just made sense to appreciate Warpath that much more.

Slowly but surely,I am recouping my childhood Transformers figures!


  1. Nice to see Powerglide and Warpath hanging out. I had both of those guys back in the day.

    1. I thought the same thing Fuji.I always felt like they went hand and hand ,especially since both sported similar color schemes.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Bulldog !An accidental run in with a much needed figure for my collection.It don't get any better than that ;)

  3. Love these, but can never find them in stores! I get so jealous when I see people posting pics of them!

  4. Hit up your local wal mart man!Which one were you looking for?

    1. Wal-Mart is where I have been looking, but find nothing but empty pegs. Gears is the one I am looking for the most. Had that guy as a kid and he was always one of my fave Autobots!

  5. Tone I haven't blogged in a while, I'm refocusing and cleaning out my collection. Have some SLUs Im selling and thought of you first. If interested email me for more details. tessierthomas at

  6. I appreciate that ,buddy,thanks!Ill shoot you an email soon as i get the chance ;)


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